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Game Name : Pharaoh`s Tomb
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-01-07 12:54:21
Views : 20675

Angry Gods
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Fury of Seth" to make Seth angry where he will destroy all military ships.

Attack by Sea
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "mockattack2" to make the enemy army attack your city by sea.

Attack by Land
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "mockattack1" to make the enemy army attack your city by land.

Killer Plague
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Kitty Litter" to make a plague strike the city. Bast must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Destroy Storage
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Grenow", then Ptah will destroy one of your city's storage yards. Ptah must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Instant Win
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Pharaohs Tomb" and you will automatically win the current scenario and advance to the next.

Double Harvest
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Life From Death", then farms on the flood plain will harvest double after the next flood. Osiris must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Free Deben
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Treasure Chest" to add 1000 deben to the city's treasury.

Full Houses and Bazaars
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Cat Nip" to make houses and bazaars full of goods. Bast must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Worse Inundation
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Mummys Curse" to make the next inundation worse than expected. Osiris must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Seth Strikes" to destroy the city's best company and their fort. Seth must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Less Trade
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Bird of Prey" to make the city's trade partners trade less for a year. Ra must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

More Hippos
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Side Show" to create hippos. Hippos must already be present on your map for this cheat to work.

Industrial Destruction
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Big Dave", then Ptah will destroy some industrial buildings. Ptah must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Protection from Invaders
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Spirit of Typhon" to have Seth strike down some of the next invaders. Seth must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Increase Export
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Pharaohs Glory" to make the amount the city can export increase by 50% for a year. Ra must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Destroy Farms
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Underworld", then farms on the flood plain will be destroyed by the next flood. Osiris must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Super Storage Yard
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Supreme Craftsman" to fill a storage yard with excess capacity. Ptah must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Better Inundation
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Bounty" to make the next inundation better than expected. Osiris must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Party for the Gods
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Meow" to Bast throw a party for all gods except Bast. Bast must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Full Stock
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Noble Djed" to make shipwrights, weavers, and jewelers fully stocked with raw materials. Ptah must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

Angry, Angry Hippos
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Hippo Stomp" to send a passel of angry hippos through your city.

Using Windows Explorer, locate the Pharaoh_Model_Normal.txt file. Right click on the icon, then choose properties. Uncheck the 'read-only' box, then click OK.
Now, open the file using Windows notepad, read the instructions and edit anything you like. Save the file, and be sure to mark it as 'read-only' again before playing the game.

Protect Soldiers
In the game press [Ctrl]+[Al
+C then type "Typhonian Relief" to protect soldiers sent to distant lands. Seth must be worshiped in the city for this cheat to work.

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